History of Chiropractic
Manual manipulation of the spine and other joints in the body have been around for a long time. Ancient writings from China and Greece dating between 2700 B.C. and 1500 B.C. mention spinal
manipulation and the maneuvering of the lower extremities to ease low back pain. Evidence of manual manipulation of the body has been found among the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Syria,
Japan, the Incas, Mayans and Native Americans. The official beginning of the chiropractic profession in the United States dates back to 1895 when D. D. Palmer restored the hearing of Harvey Lillard
by manually manipulating his neck.
Throughout the twentieth century, the profession of chiropractic has gained considerable recognition and scientific support. Research studies have clearly demonstrated the value of chiropractic care
in reducing health care costs, improving recovery rates, and increasing patient satisfaction. In fact, one very large study conducted in Canada, the 1993 Manga Study, concluded that chiropractic care
would save hundreds of millions of dollars annually in work disability payments and direct health care costs. Several major studies conducted by the U.S. Government, the Rand Corporation and others,
have all demonstrated the incredible value of chiropractic care.
Clinical Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology (AK), developed by Dr. George Goodheart in 1964, uses bioenergetic feedback through testing the strength of various muscles in the body.
This highly individualized, in-depth system of analysis, allows the doctor to assess various aspects of a patient's state of health by evaluating and treating postural and muscular imbalances,
neurovascular and neurolymphatic points, subluxation, cranial-sacral movement, acupuncture meridians and nutritional status. This is a highly effective treatment system which focuses on whole body
Kinesiology allows the skilled health practitioner to evaluate functional illness, which typically precedes disease. This highly individualized, in-depth
system of analysis, allows the doctor to assess various aspects of a patient's state of health by evaluating and treating postural and muscular imbalances, neurovascular and neurolymphatic points,
subluxation, cranial-sacral movement, acupuncture meridians and nutritional status. This is a highly effective treatment system which focuses on whole body care. Kinesiology enables health
investigation without intrusion. Kinesiology gives insight into the underlying causes and solutions to many functional health problems.Technique was
developed by Dr. Joshua Kruger. (Please see more about Dr. Joshua Kruger at the following link: www.omnitherapeutictechnique.topchiro.com. OTT is a total body adjustment that helps correct distortions including
posture, the spine, extremities, cranial bones, meridians, chakras, acupuncture and emotional reflexes. This method of care is very gentle. Once the body is in balance, it functions at a higher
level. As a result, many symptoms being experienced resolve or at least improve!
Neurological Integration System (NIS)/Neurolink
An individual’s brain takes in information (from internal and external environments) and organizes a response. If the brain pathways are not functioning at 100%, then it doesn't matter if you use the best diet, best supplement, best prayer, or positive thoughts, these things will not be taken in and used appropriately. NIS finds where the brain is not in control of the organization and reestablishes neurological integration. NIS treats a wide scope of problems including structural, physical, hormonal, neurological, and emotional conditions. For additional information on this technique, visit www.neurolinkglobal.com
Neurovascular Dynamics (NVD)
Neurovascular dynamics (NVD) is an extremely gentle, organ reflex chiropractic technique used to help increase the blood flow to internal organs and tissues reflexively connected to them. NVD was
developed in the 1930s by Terrence Bennett, D.C. Dr. Bennett found while exposing himself to x-rays (before they were known to be dangerous), he could cause his intestines to relax by pressing on
certain points on his abdomen. He tested his findings on his patients and discovered that not only were there internal organ problems being helped but also their back and neck conditions were
improving! Many internal organs have reflex connections in the spinal and extremity muscles and joints. Working on reflex points on the abdomen can improve the functioning of the internal organs, and
the spine can also be affected. This technique is administered very simply: gentle pressure is maintained over an abdominal reflex point and over the spine simultaneously until softening of the soft
surroundings tissues is felt. Patients frequently state that that these treatments are very relaxing. NVD can be used to treat numerous digestive, pelvic organ, spine and extremity related problems
as well. For more information go to www.nrowanrichards.com
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